MAX LIFE CALL THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINATION FOR PATIENTS, STAFF, FAMILY, AND THEIR CHIROPRACTORS HOSTED BY: DR. ANDREW MOULDEN, DR. MAYER EISENSTEIN, AND OUR OWN DR. ASHLY OCHSNER AND DR. BEN LERNER TWO CALLS THURSDAY JULY 16, 2009 LISTEN LIVE AT 10 AM - 11AM EST Dial: 866-210-0118 Code: 8400928# LISTEN AGAIN AT 8 PM - 9PM EST Dial: 866-211-4755 or 404-835-7050 Enter PIN: 4804300# Press 4 to listen Enter Confirmation Number: 20061219367009# Enter Existing Participant Code: 8400928# (Only applies to Option 2 above Find out how every person who has been vaccinated is "Vaccine Damaged" Learn what is actually in a vaccines and whether or not the ingredients are safe Discover how vaccine impacts the short and LONG TERM health of a child or adult Determine the Facts about Swine Flu, Swine Flu Vaccines, and Flu Shots Realize the alternatives to vaccination and treatments for both seen and unseen damage from vaccines
INVITE YOUR PATIENTS, FRIENDS, STAFF, FAMILY, AND ANYONE THAT YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH!!! FORWARD THIS TO ANYONE WHO YOU THINK MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN THIS LIFE CHANGING CALL!!! Call host Dr. Andrew Moulden: Dr. Andrew Moulden. BA, MA, MD, PhD holds degrees in Biological Psychology (Bachelors), Child Development (Masters) with thesis in developmental neuropsychology and language development in children. His PhD is in Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, with a sub specialty in Cognitive Neuroscience. His doctoral thesis was in neuro-electrophysiology and Functional Brain Imaging. His PhD comprehensive exams were on acquired brain injuries and post-concussional syndrome. His clinical training has been in psychometric assessment of children (MA), clinical neuropsychology (PhD), neurology (MD - clerkships) and psychiatry (residency - Ottawa/Toronto). His MD was awarded in 2000 from McMaster University, Canada. He was granted the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada in 2006. He has received over 27 scholarships and awards for academic and research excellence in the brain and behavioral sciences. He has served as the resident editor and Board member for the Ontario and Canadian Psychiatric Associations. He serves on the Board of Directors for the International Association for Biologically Closed Electric Circuits (BCEC) in Medicine and Biology http://www.iabc.readywebsites.com/page/page/623957.htm. He is a part-time professor in neurobiology and psychology at Atlantic Baptist University. He is also active in politics, and is the Leader of the Canadian Action Party http://www.canadianactionparty.net/) and a resident of Toronto.
He is the developer of the BrainGuard, non-invasive neurovascular imaging protocol, enhanced measurement, imaging and diagnostic tools for neurologists and hematologists.
This historical event will expose the neurological, hematological, and immunological evidence supporting the conclusion that all vaccines carry the risk of major injury leading to chronic diseases and disorders including, but not limited to Autism. The forensic evidence, as he states, is now as easy as "come see for your self." He will explain the mechanism of injury and show evidence that when you "dump" into the blood, it causes Blood Sludging, which can lead to ischemic strokes and many problems plaguing our children. His findings are now in the US Vaccine courts.
You will not want to miss this historical event where the science cannot be denied and the truth about toxic vaccines will be exposed!
Call host Dr. Mayer Eisenstein:Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH, is a graduate of the University of Illinois Medical School, the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Public Health, and the John Marshall Law School. In his 33 years in medicine, he and his practice have cared for over 75,000, children, parents, and grandparents. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, and the American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians. . He is a recipient of the Howard Fellowship, Health Professional Scholarship, University of Illinois School of Medicine Scholarship, and is a member of the Illinois Bar.
He is the author of: Give Birth at Home With The Home Birth Advantage, Safer Medicine, Don't Vaccinate Before You Educate, Unavoidably Dangerous - Medical Hazards of HRT and Unlocking Nature's Pharmacy. Some of his many guest appearances include: "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and "Hannity and Colmes". His weekly syndicated radio show "The Dr. Mayer Eisenstein Show", airs on XM Satellite Radio as well as multiple affiliates. He has formulated natural pharmaceuticals which can be used to treat many chronic medical conditions. One of his goals is to lower the use of pharmaceuticals in the American population.
Don't Vaccinate Before You Educate! is a result of Dr. Eisenstein's lectures on vaccinations. Dr. Eisenstein brings his knowledge as a physician, public health doctor and attorney to help educate you on this very important subject. Unlike most other physicians, he feels parents have a right to be involved in the final decision about vaccinating their children. He discusses vaccine law, religious exemptions with a heavy emphasis on the Illinois law. Don't Vaccinate Before You Educate! will be the beginning of a path to educate families with regard to childhood vaccines. Ladies and Gentelman, Dr. Mayer Eisenstein.
Call host Dr. Ashly Ochsner:Dr. Ashly Ochsner is the founder of Health From Within. Health From Within is a corrective and wellness-based chiropractic center. Its purpose is educating and leading individuals and families in how to live an optimally healthy life by fully expressing their potential. Dr. Ochsner, radio personality of "The Truth - The Ultimate Health Show," is also a renowned speaker in the State of Illinois and throughout the chiropractic profession. Dr. Ochsner spends countless hours in post-graduate education to maximize his knowledge and skills of chiropractic care, wellness education, and nutrition. Dr. Ochsner has been or is currently associated with the following professional groups and organizations: * Pi Kappa Chi Chiropractic Fraternity Active Chapter President * Chiropractors On Purpose Serving (C.O.P.S.) * Illinois Prairie State Chiropractor's Association (IPSCA) * International Chiropractor's Association (ICA) * The Family Practice Program * Schofield Chiropractic Training * Student American Chiropractic Association (SACA) * SACA Sports Council In addition, Dr. Ochsner was the official Chiropractor for the Rockford IceHogs of the United Hockey League. Dr. Ochsner is also a recent recipient of The Family Practice Excellence Award and a Founding Doctor of C.O.P.S. (Chiropractors On Purpose Serving). C.O.P.S., a group of Chicago chiropractors, is dedicated to the advancement of pure chiropractic in the Chicago area. Dr. Ochsner is an avid reader who loves sports and has an active lifestyle. He lives in the Southwest suburbs of Chicago with his wife Rachelle, sons Ashton and Trevor, and their two cats, Mikhail and Rusty. Joomla 1.5 Featured Articles CALL HOST DR. BEN LERNER:2X N.Y. Times Best-Selling Author, 2X U.S. Olympic Team Doctor, Co-Chairmen of the USA Wrestling Wellness Advisory Council, Chairmen of Global Wellness for the Billion Soul Initiative, and Co-founder of Maximized Living. Has opened over 40 Maximized Living Health Centers around the Unites States and is currently practicing in Celebration Florida.
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