1. Stroke is the 6 leading cause of death for infants and children in the United States of America.
2. Most children do recover from stroke. Some recover with residual effects, however.
3. Stroke recurrence can be as high as 20 percent in the two years following the stroke.
4. The classic signs of stroke, slurred speech, droopy eye, stiffness, inability to walk or stand without help can be missed or misdiagnosed with pediatric patients.
5. The average diagnosis takes place until more than after 24 hours after symptoms begin but the more time that passes the worse the brain injury can become.
6. The rates of pediatric stroke are in the rise, with 12 per 100,000 each year (9,000 strokes) in children under age 18.
7. Of newborns 25 per 100,000 have strokes. This rate is similar to stroke rates of the elderly.
8. A major difference between your health as a child & your children's health is the amount of vaccination given. You probably received 10 and your child has probably received 39.
9. Another major difference between your health as a child and your children's health is the amount of processed food eaten. How much processed food is your child eating?
10. Studies show that between 80 and 90% of newborns have damage to their cervical spines from pulling, tugging, and/or the use of forceps or vacuum extraction at birth.
Was your baby's neck damaged at birth predisposing him or her to health problems in the future? Did your child ever have a serious fall perhaps out of a crib, down a down a flight of stairs or experience any other trauma to his or her delicate spine? These type incidents can set the stage for very serious health problems now and in the years to come. Medications have dangerous side effects and fail to correct the cause of health problems. For a safe, natural, holistic approach visit
http://www.drcheriwatts.com/ to learn about the benefits of gentle chiropractic care for yourself and your littlest loved ones. Dr. Watts invites you and your loved ones to come in for a complimentary evaluation today. Call 305 522 7117 and schedule your appointment.